

Keynote Speakers

Shixin Ye-Lehmann
INSERM Tenured Researcher, University Paris-Saclay, France.
Research field: Innovative optogenetics tools, Structure function relationship of nerve receptors and their implications in diseases.
Dr. Ye-Lehmann graduated from the Chemistry Department of Peking University with a bachelor degree. Shen went to the USA in 1998 and received PhD in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Rockefeller University in New York from 2004 to 2009. She was among the first to establish genetic code expansion in mammalian cells to investigate structural function relationship of G protein-couple receptors. approximately 40% of prescribed medicine target a member of this receptor family. She moved to France as a research fellow at the Institute of Biology of Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) in 2010, sponsored by the Pierre-Gille de Gennes Foundation. She subsequently became a project leader in ENS and recruited by INSERM as a tenured researcher in 2011. During this period, she has discovered an array of light-sensitive NMDA receptors by the site-specific incorporation of p-azido-L-phenylalanine. In 2016, through an open call competition, she was awarded to set up a Synthetic Biology Team in the Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology of the Sorbonne University. During this period, through international collaborations she has developed transgenic animals (mice and zebrafish) with an expanded genetic code using viral delivery systems, which have implications for investigation of neuronal diseases. From 2016 to 2019, she moved to the INSERM U1195 unit specialized in neurosteroids and diseases, which situated inside the Bicetre Hospital. Since then she focuses on innovative optogenetics tools to study structural-function relationships of neuronal receptors, and providing therapeutic insights for anesthesia and diseases such as the Alzheimer’s. She has published more than 50 papers in journals such as Nature, Nature Chemical Biology, PNAS, and Nature Communications, and she also serves as reviewer for journals such as Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, ChemBioChem, JACS, and Bioconjugation Chemistry etc.
A. C. Matin
Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA.
Research field: Immunology, Microbiology, Cancer, Genetics studies.
Prof. A. C. Matin is a professor of Microbiology and Immunology from Stanford University School of Medicine. He was born in the USA and completed his Ph.D. in the year 1969 in the field of microbiology from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is having teaching knowledge of around 55 years. He is an active member of many microbiological and immunological societies and associations. He received the Fulbright Scholar award in the year 1964-1971. He is the author of 142 publications along with a few patents. He has been a part of many scientific conferences during his teaching and educational career. He had received funding from a reputed organization for his research work. His current research interest includes immunology, Microbiology, Cancer, Genetics studies, etc. Currently, he is working on Exosome (EV) project and also on the Extension of the ongoing antibiotic work.
Yongmin Zhang
Academician of French National Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow of French National Centre for Scientific Research, Vice Chairman of China Science and Technology Workers Association, France.
Research field: Scientific research on antitumor drugs, Diabetes drugs and Antiviral drugs.
Yongmin Zhang, Academician of French National Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow of French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Doctoral supervisor of Sorbonne University (formerly Paris VI University), Vice Chairman of China Science and Technology Workers Association, France. At present, Prof. Yongmin Zhang is committed to the scientific research of anti-tumor drugs, diabetes drugs, antiviral drugs and so on. He has published more than 280 papers in academic journals, including more than 250 SCI papers. He was invited to give more than 30 presentations at international academic conferences, and more than 150 oral reports and wall posters. He has made more than 130 academic reports in universities and research institutes in France, China, the United States and other countries. He has obtained 4 invention patents, presided over and participated in more than 30 projects in France, China and international cooperation, and trained more than 40 doctoral students and postdocs. Currently, he serves on the editorial board of European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Letters and other international academic journals, serves as a reviewer for more than 20 international academic journals.
Wei-Hong ZHANG
Professor, Ghent University, Belgium.
Research field: Reproductive science, Assisted reproductive technologies, Fertility preservation program, Genetic of infertility and Cryobiology of gametes.
Wei-Hong ZHANG (MD, MPH, PhD, Postdoctoral of University of Oxford), is Professor and supervisor of PhD and Postdoctoral of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Ghent (UG).  She has long-standing experience in coordinating international projects, particularly EU-funded projects in Europe and in China. To date, she has supervised more than 30 PhD or postdoctoral research projects. Holding the position of adjunct professor at several Chinese universities including Tsinghua University; Tongji University School of Medicine, the National Research Institution for Family Planning, Chongqing Medical University…also adjunct associate professor at Tulane University, USA and visiting professor at Aga Khan university in Nairobi. Advisor of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China, Expert of "Overseas Academicians and Experts Beijing workstation" and awarded as “10 leading Chinese Talents on the Science and Technology in Europe” and Expert of European Commission under HORIZON 2020. She is also academic coordinator of East Asia platform of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, and Co-PI of the Joint Laboratory for Global Health Between Hebei Medical University and Ghent University.
Maoli Duan
Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
Research field: Stem cell/gene therapy, Noise and drug-induced hearing loss and their protection/treatment.
Dr. Duan is a senior consultant at Karolinska University Hospital, an Associate Professor at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. He is also professor/guest professor in another 6 Universities in another countries. He is clinical expert at Otolaryngology Head &, Neck, Neurotology and Audiology. His research in basic focuses on stem cell/gene therapy, noise and drug-induced hearing loss and their protection/treatment. His clinical research focus on otology and neurotology. He has published more than 100 articles in international journal such as Nature Medicine, PNAS etc. His research results have been put in cover pages of PNAS, Swedish doctor journal and Nobel Symposium, and text book of Cummings Otolaryngology Head &, Neck (fourth edition). He has more than 30 students who finished degrees and on-going students include master, PhD and post-doc. He has world-wide collaboration such as Harvard University, Paris University, and National University of Singapore etc. He is sitting on editorial board such as Scientific Report (nature sister´s journal), Plos one, Acta Otolaryngologica and Otolaryngology. He has reviewed many international articles for more 20 international journals. He is active in scientific evaluation committee includes Sweden, UK, France and China.
Hongjun Yang
Founder and co-director of Precision Medicine Professional Committee of Chinese Bioengineering Society.
Research field: Biochip and microfluidic chip, Human gene HapMap project, Human gene expression profile database, Biobanks, Next-generation gene sequencing, Nnti-tumor drugs, Small nucleic acid interference, Precision medicine and Companion diagnostics.
Dr. Yang is internationally recognized as an outstanding scientific research and technical management elite leader in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine. He has a multidisciplinary knowledge background, and he has nearly 30 years of cross-disciplinary management experience in R&D, clinical, compliance, operations, and business. Dr. Yang is a pioneer in several areas of biotechnology, including biochips and microfluidics, the human HapMap project, the human gene expression profile database, the Biobank, next-generation gene sequencing, anti-tumor drugs, small nucleic acid interference, precision medicine and accompanying diagnostics. He is a typical multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary, knowledgeable and experienced excellent scientist who emphasizes results, products, compliance and practice.
Xianyi Zeng
Professor, Ecole d'ingénierie et d'innovation textile; Director of GEMTEX Laboratory; Full Professor at ENSAIT, University of Lille, France.
Research field: Decision support systems, Artificial intelligence, Knowledge modeling and processing, Human emotion modelling, Textile digitalization, Textile supply chain optimization, Wearable systems.
Xianyi Zeng (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Eng. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1986, and the Ph.D. degree from the Centre d’ Automatique, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve-d’ Ascq, France, in 1992. He is a Professor with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, Roubaix, France, director of GEMTEX Laboratory and full Professor at ENSAIT, University of Lille. He has published three books, 140 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 250 papers in international scientific conferences. He has presented over 25 plenary presentations in international conferences. Since 1995 he has received numerous academic awards from France, the United States and Rome etc.
Valérie Dutoit
Head of the biobank platform of the Oncology Service, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland; Lecturer, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Research field: Development of immunotherapeutic approaches for GBM patients.
Dr. Valérie Dutoit is a tumor immunologist specialized in the development of immunotherapeutic approaches for GBM. She obtained her PhD in 2003 from the University of Lausanne. She participated in the development of a novel multipeptide vaccine for GBM, which was tested in patients and led the way to the development of a personalized vaccine trial for patients with GBM. She also aims at understanding how immunotherapy can be combined with standard of care and what is the impact of the GBM TME on antitumor immune responses. She is currently working on the development of CAR T cells for GBM patients, together with the team of Prof. Migliorini from the UNIGE. Dr Dutoit is head of the biobank platform of the Oncology Service of Geneva University Hospital, collecting samples from patients involved in clinical trials and research projects.
Yvette AKWA
Senior Researcher in Neurosciences, Inserm & University Paris Saclay, France.
Research field: Neuroprotection, Neurosteroids, Neurotransmission, Tauopathies.
Dr Yvette AKWA (PHD, HDR) obtained her PhD from the University of Paris 6 and did her post-doctoral training at the Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA. She has worked in the field of Neurosteroids for over twenty years, bringing solid knowledge on their biosynthesis and metabolism in the brain and their beneficial effects on behavior, including memory and anxiety. In 2009–2011, she was the Study Director of a clinical study aiming at analyzing a steroid sulfate as an early marker of the memory loss in patients with early and moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Her current research focuses on the cerebroprotection in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. Dr Yvette Akwa and collaborators are investigating how the brain can be protected against amyloid/tau pathologies by the regulation excitatory-glutamatergic neurotransmission, stimulation of synaptic activity and activation of TSPO resulting in increased endogenous steroid biosynthesis. She has published in outstanding peer journals including Science, PNAS and more recently Molecular Psychiatry and Autophagy.
Wei Wang
Dean, Institut Franco-Chinois de l' Energie Nucléaire Université Sun Yat-sen
Research field: High-energy physics, Neutrino physics.

Dr. Wei Wang received his doctoral degree from Boston University in the United States in 2007. He is currently a professor and dean of the Institut Franco-Chinois de l' Energie Nucléaire Université Sun Yat-sen. Dr. Wei Wang' s research focuses on the field of high-energy physics, with a focus on neutrino physics. His skills and expertise include: high energy physics experiment design; high energy physics experiment simulation technology; high energy physics experiment physical analysis; applied statistics, numerical analysis and data mining technology. He has won the Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via Daya Bay Collaboration), Fundamental Breakthrough Prize 2015 (via K2K Collaboration), the first Neptune Prize of Harbin Institute of Technology in 1996 and the first prize of the World College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition in 1995.

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